Das / Curtis | Galen's Humanistic Medicine | Buch | 978-3-16-161957-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band XLIII, 190 Seiten, Format (B × H): 153 mm x 237 mm, Gewicht: 419 g

Reihe: Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam REligionemque pertinentia

Das / Curtis

Galen's Humanistic Medicine

The Essay, Quod Optimus Medicus
1. Auflage 2023
ISBN: 978-3-16-161957-1
Verlag: Mohr Siebeck

The Essay, Quod Optimus Medicus

Buch, Englisch, Band XLIII, 190 Seiten, Format (B × H): 153 mm x 237 mm, Gewicht: 419 g

Reihe: Scripta Antiquitatis Posterioris ad Ethicam REligionemque pertinentia

ISBN: 978-3-16-161957-1
Verlag: Mohr Siebeck

The present volume offers an edition, updated English translation of, introduction to, and seven multi-authored contributions on Galen's small tract That the Best Doctor is also a Philosopher. The volume seeks to put Galen's text into conversation with recent interrogations of medicine's self-sufficiency - or disciplinary autonomy - in the Medical Humanities. As the title of the ancient work conveys and the essays in this volume unpack, Galen argues for a reenvisioning of medicine by making philosophy constitutive of his profession on the grounds that the latter's methods of reasoning, explanations of the natural world, and ethical directives enable the doctor to understand and treat the body in disease. In so doing, Galen expands medical knowledge at the expanse of instrumentalizing the philosophical.
Das / Curtis Galen's Humanistic Medicine jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Das, Aileen R.
Born 1986; trained in ancient history and classical studies in the US and the UK, where she received her doctorate; holds the position of associate professor (with tenure) in the Classical Studies department at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

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