Edwards | Learning to be Literate | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 128 Seiten, Web PDF

Reihe: MM Textbooks

Edwards Learning to be Literate

Multilingual Perspectives

E-Book, Englisch, 128 Seiten, Web PDF

Reihe: MM Textbooks

ISBN: 978-1-84769-062-3
Verlag: De Gruyter
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

This textbook introduces students to language in education policy, theory and practice in a multilingual world. Designed to be accessible to students from a wide range of disciplines, it explores multilingualism at the individual and societal level and its impact on literacy learning around the world.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Reading the word, reading the world 2. Multilingualism 3. Education in multilingual societies 4. Multiliteracies 5. The politics and practice of literacy teaching 6. Language, literacy and culture 7. Resources for learning 8. Making change in multilingual classrooms

Edwards, Viv

Viv Edwards is Professor of Language in Education at the University of Reading where she is also Director of the National Centre for Language and Literacy. She is editor of the international journal Language and Education and has researched and published widely in the areas of multilingualism and education. Her book on Multilingualism in the English-speaking World received the 2005 British Association for Applied Linguistics book award. She is also a fellow of the Royal Society for Arts.

Edwards Viv:
Viv Edwards is Professor of Language in Education at the University of Reading where she is also Director of the National Centre for Language and Literacy. She is editor of the international journal Language and Education and has researched and published widely in the areas of multilingualism and education. Her book on Multilingualism in the English-speaking World received the 2005 British Association for Applied Linguistics book award. She is also a fellow of the Royal Society for Arts.Viv Edwards is Professor of Language in Education at the University of Reading where she is also Director of the National Centre for Language and Literacy. She is editor of the international journal Language and Education and has researched and published widely in the areas of multilingualism and education. Her book on Multilingualism in the English-speaking World received the 2005 British Association for Applied Linguistics book award. She is also a fellow of the Royal Society for Arts.

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