Hinshelwood / Chiesa | Organisations, Anxieties and Defences | Buch | 978-1-138-17581-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 276 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

Reihe: Whurr Series in Psychoanalysis

Hinshelwood / Chiesa

Organisations, Anxieties and Defences

Towards a Psychoanalytic Social Psychology

Buch, Englisch, 276 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

Reihe: Whurr Series in Psychoanalysis

ISBN: 978-1-138-17581-5
Verlag: CRC Press

Psychoanalysis has been applied to the understanding of social groups, organizations and cultures for a very long time, and there have been many different approaches. This book brings together the contributions to a field that could be called psychoanalytic social psychology, from a very wide-ranging group of authors. The substantial introductory chapters by the editors describe a conceptual map of psychoanalytic ideas on social groups that have been formed around the world. These introduce eight chapters from eminent authors on the topic, writing in Europe, the Americas and Britain. The purpose of the Whurr series in Psychoanalysis, edited by Peter Fonagy and Mary Target of University College London, is to publish clinical and research based texts of academic excellence in the field. Each title makes a significant contribution and the series is open-ended. The readership is academics and graduate students in psychoanalysis, together with clinical practitioners, in Europe, North America and indeed worldwide.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Foreword 1 General Introduction Part One: The International Field 13 2 Introduction: A Conceptual Overview of International Contributions from North America (1): The Modem Project and the Feminisation of Men 4 Contribution from North America (2): The Couch at Sea 5 Contribution from Italy: Psychoanalytical Approaches to the Study of Institutions in Italy 6 Contribution from France: Psychoanalysis and Institutions in France 7 Contribution from South America: From The Group-As-Jigsaw-Puzzle to the Incomplete Whole PART TWO: BRITISH CONTRIBUTIONS 8 Introduction to the Span of the British Tradition 9 The Tavistock Paradigm: Inside, Outside and Beyond 10 Psychoanalysis in the Public Sphere: Some Recent British Developments in Psychoanalytic Social Psychology 11 The Psychosocial Process 12 Conclusions: The Baby Grew Up

Edited by R.D. Hinshelwood FRCPsych, Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex. Marco Chiesa MDMRCPsych The Cassel Hospital, Richmond and University College London.

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