Pope | Sustainable Crowdfunding | Buch | 978-1-032-31273-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 216 Seiten, Format (B × H): 229 mm x 153 mm, Gewicht: 332 g

Reihe: ATTW Series in Technical and Professional Communication


Sustainable Crowdfunding

Research-Based Analysis for Communication Campaigns

Buch, Englisch, 216 Seiten, Format (B × H): 229 mm x 153 mm, Gewicht: 332 g

Reihe: ATTW Series in Technical and Professional Communication

ISBN: 978-1-032-31273-6
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd

This book analyzes the communication and writing strategies necessary to craft and maintain ongoing crowdfunding campaigns to support businesses, nonprofits, artists, and others.

Drawing on theory from technical communication and user experience, as well as mixed methods research, and text mining, this book takes an evidence-based approach to understanding the successes and failures of crowdfunding campaigns. It examines campaigns across a range of platforms, including Kickstarter, GoFundMe, IndieGoGo, and Patreon. The book breaks down successful exemplar campaigns that have proven long-term success to show what has worked and why, giving readers a solid foundation to research and create a campaign of their own.

Sustainable Crowdfunding serves as a supplemental text for courses in technical and professional communication, user experience, communication research methods, and digital marketing, and will be of interest to both communication scholars and advanced crowdfunding professionals. Online interactive tools for qualitative and quantitative analysis are available at https://rhetoricaldata.com. A stop word appendix for the book can be accessed at www.routledge.com/9781032312736
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Postgraduate, Professional, and Undergraduate Advanced


Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction 1. Defining Crowdfunding 2. Crowdfunding as Experience Architecture 3. Assessing Platforms 4. Planning and Running a Campaign 5. Discrete Campaigns 6. Interconnected Campaigns 7. Sustaining Crowdfunding

Adam R. Pope is Assistant Professor and Director of the Graduate Certificate in Technical Writing and Public Rhetorics at the University of Arkansas, USA.

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