Wildenthal | The Language of Human Rights in West Germany | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Web PDF

Reihe: Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights

Wildenthal The Language of Human Rights in West Germany

E-Book, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Web PDF

Reihe: Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights

ISBN: 978-0-8122-0729-3
Verlag: De Gruyter
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

The Language of Human Rights in West Germany traces the four most important purposes for which West Germans invoked human rights after World War II. Lora Wildenthal demonstrates that human rights comprise a political language, best understood in its own domestic and historical context.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1. Human Rights Activism in Occupied and Early West Germany: The Case of the German League for Human Rights
Chapter 2. Rudolf Laun and "German Human Rights" in Occupied and Early West Germany
Chapter 3. Human Rights Activism as Domestic Politics: The International League for Human Rights, West German Amnesty, and the Humanist Union Confront Adenauer's West Germany
Chapter 4. "German Human Rights" Enter the Mainstream: The Case of Otto Kimminich
Chapter 5. Human Rights for Women across Cultural Lines: Terre des Femmes

A Note on Sources

Lora Wildenthal is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of History at Rice University, and author of German Women for Empire, 1884-1945.

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