Stout / Williams / Yates | Applied Criminology | Buch | 978-1-4129-4731-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten, Format (B × H): 176 mm x 242 mm, Gewicht: 526 g

Stout / Williams / Yates

Applied Criminology

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten, Format (B × H): 176 mm x 242 mm, Gewicht: 526 g

ISBN: 978-1-4129-4731-2
Verlag: Mahi Mistry

This is the first book to cover comprehensively and accessibly the area of applied criminology. It draws together leading experts with experience of teaching, research and practice.

Each chapter engages with the application of criminology in a particular area of the community and criminal justice system, and offers:

- An overview of the relationship between criminological theory and policy and practice developments.
- Critical reflection on whether criminology has been meaningfully engaged - paying particular attention to the contemporary issues and debates.
- Evaluation of the implications for diverse communities, paying particular attention to discrimination and oppression and criminal justice values.
- Summaries, case studies and further reading to support knowledge and understanding.

The book is accompanied by a companion website to enhance the learning experience. This includes:

- Lecture notes
- Online readings
- Student exercises
- Case studies
- Useful links
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Weitere Infos & Material

Applied Criminology
Applied Criminology
Criminological Policy, Practice and Research
Contested Meanings and Differential Consequences
Policing the Community in the 21st Century
Prisons and Penal Policy
Accountability, Legitimacy and Discretion
Applying Criminology in Professional Practice
Youth Justice Policy and Practice
Reclaiming Applied Criminology as Critical Intervention
Responsibility, Rights or Reconciliation?
Risk Management, Accountability and Partnerships in Criminal Justice
The Case of Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
Restorative Justice
Theory, Policy and Practice
Corporate Crime and its Victims

Stout, Brian
Dr Brian Stout is Associate Head of the School of Applied Social Sciences, De Montfort University. The School has partnerships with Leicestershire Constabulary and Nottinghamshire Police and delivers training and education to police officers, police community support officers and other professionals within the extended police family. Dr Stout was formerly a probation officer in Northern Ireland and has extensive experience of teaching equality and diversity to probation, police and other undergraduate students on applied programmes in both the United Kingdom and South Africa.

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