Farenga / Ness | Encyclopedia of Education and Human Development | Buch | 978-0-7656-1268-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 1014 Seiten, Format (B × H): 231 mm x 371 mm, Gewicht: 3515 g

Farenga / Ness

Encyclopedia of Education and Human Development

Buch, Englisch, 1014 Seiten, Format (B × H): 231 mm x 371 mm, Gewicht: 3515 g

ISBN: 978-0-7656-1268-7
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd

This comprehensive and exhaustive reference work on the subject of education from the primary grades through higher education combines educational theory with practice, making it a unique contribution to the educational reference market. Issues related to human development and learning are examined by individuals whose specializations are in diverse areas including education, psychology, sociology, philosophy, law, and medicine. The book focuses on important themes in education and human development. Authors consider each entry from the perspective of its social and political conditions as well as historical underpinnings. The book also explores the people whose contributions have played a seminal role in the shaping of educational ideas, institutions, and organizations, and includes entries on these institutions and organizations. This work integrates numerous theoretical frameworks with field based applications from many areas in educational research.
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Weitere Infos & Material

VOLUME 1, Tables and Figures, Contributors, Foreword, Acknowledgments, Introduction, I. CONSTRUCTS OF LEARNING, 1. Curriculum, 2. Instruction, 3. Educational Assessment, 4. Issues and Trends in Subject Matter Knowledge, 5. Informal Learning, 6. Technologies in Education, II. PHILOSOPHICAL, SOCIAL, AND POLITICAL ISSUES IN EDUCATION, 7. Philosophy of Education, 8. Educational Policy and Reform, 9. Sociology of Education, 10. Equity and Cultural Issues in Education, VOLUME 2, 11. Children’s Rights, 12. Moral Education, 13. Students at Risk, 14. Achievement Motivation, III. LEVELS IN EDUCATIONAL PRACTICE, 15. Early Childhood Education, 16. Childhood Education, 17. Middle Level Education, 18. Adolescent Education, 19. Adult Learning and Development Today, 20. Current Issues in Higher Education, 21. Education from an International Perspective, IV. PHYSICAL, MOTOR, AND COGNITIVE DOMAINS, 22. Psychomotor Domains,VOLUME 3, 23. Language Development, 24. Semiotic Principles and Human Communication, 25. Development of Quantitative and Spatial Thinking, V. EDUCATIONAL ISSUES CONCERNING DIVERSE POPULATIONS, 26. Learner Differences, 27. Inclusion of Children and Youth with Severe Disabilities in School and Society, 28. Mental Health and Education, 29. Health and Parenting Issues in Childhood and Adolescence, VI. PEOPLE, 30. People, VII. ORGANIZATIONS, 31. Organizations, Child Related Organizations, Teacher Related Organizations, Educational Testing Organizations, National Certification and Accreditation Organizations

Stephen J. Farenga, Daniel Ness

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