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Cesare P R Romano

Cesare P. R. Romano is Associate Professor of Law at Loyola Law School Los Angeles. He holds degrees in three different disciplines (political science, international relations and law) from three countries (Italy, Switzerland and the United States), and is a polyglot. His scholarship and teaching reflect the variety of his background. His expertise is in public international law, and in particular dispute settlement, international environmental law, international human rights and international criminal and humanitarian law, but he has also substantial background in diplomatic history and economics (macro). However, it is probably the field international courts and tribunals where he has made to date the greatest contribution, publishing numerous articles and four books. In 1997, he co-funded the Project on International Courts and Tribunals (, a joint undertaking of the Center on International Cooperation, New York University, and the Centre for International Courts and Tribunals at University College London, becoming a world-renowned authority in the field of law and practice of international courts and tribunals. He has directed PICT's American side since. Before joining Loyola Law School, Professor Romano taught or lectured in a number of institutions in the U.S. and Europe.
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